It's time to go back... back to The Sandbox!

Many, many, many moons ago, there was a mythical place called The Sandbox where BONCers near and far congregated to squee about our faves, Dr. Beverly Crusher and Captain Jean-Luc Picard. In fact, The Sandbox was so popular that there were 10 separate mailing lists -- BONCs 1-8 and two Junior lists.

But lo, time passed, the years went by, and many of us fell out of touch...

As the third season of Star Trek: Picard commenced, it was decided to attempt to get the crew back together. But not just one list or two lists, oh no. All of the lists, together, in one place! At long last!

And so, the BONC Chat Discord Server was created.

On this site, you'll find instructions on how to use Discord and how we expect you to act while in the new Sandbox.

Please do note that BONC Chat is only open to former members of the BONC mailing lists. Yes, even the Juniors, because this was so long ago that no one who was possibly on a Junior list isn't well into at least their 20s at this point. (Yes, this is horrifying. Let's please just carry on.)

Please use the navigational links above to move through the site and find out how to use Discord, read our FAQ and learn how to ask for access.

See you... out there.