BONC Chat Discord Intro

Okay, so what is this fancy-shmancy chat thing? Why have a server at all? Why not use group texts or other social media sites?

Great question. The primary reason to have a server for us is to ensure that we run it and everyone's data is kept safe. Unlike some of those other large social media companies, Discord has a pretty good record of data ownership and privacy.

Wasn't there another chat around, oh, 20-some years ago? Why not use that?

Yep, there was the #BONC channel on the IRC server. Which technically still exists, but even I haven't used it in ages. In terms of logistics, IRC can be a pain in the butt. First, it's an older technology, so there aren't many Mac options and not many (any?) mobile options. Second, even at its peak, it was a little complicated, what with different servers and lag and bot commands to reserve your nickname and all of that stuff. I'm still a fan of IRC, but it's just not the right tool for this kind of a community. Discord, by contrast, has apps available on Windows, Macs, Linux, iOS and Android, plus has a web interface, so whatever platform you're using, you can access Discord. As an added bonus, it saves all the conversations, so people can wander into channels and scroll up to catch up.

Okay, so how do I join?

We'd like to keep this to just the original BONC folks. If you were on a BONC list in the late 90s or early 2000s, please contact us. Please provide as much information as you can -- who was your listmommy? What email address might you have used? We'll come back to you for clarification and send you an invitation if everything checks out.

Please use a valid email address on the form or we won't be able to contact you with the invitation to join!

Okay, Bug, you've sold me. How do I use the dang thing?

All right. Here we go.

Using Discord